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Example sentences for "assayle"

Lexicographically close words:
assaye; assayed; assayer; assayers; assaying; assayled; assays; asse; assegai; assegaied
  1. So sone as they doe perceiue vs twoo to bee spent, and weried with fighting, they will bothe assayle the vanquished, and him also that doeth ouercome.

  2. What profession is thys, to assayle the innocent by the hygh way side, and to reue them of lyfe in place to punish Theeues and Murderers?

  3. But sith there is no enemy in the field, and that but simple suspicion doth assayle me, why breake I not the same, and deface the entier remembraunce of the lightnesse of my brayne?

  4. My gracious Lord, here in the Parliament Let vs assayle the Family of Yorke North.

  5. And other lewde gydes which myght theyr myndes assayle Greuously wyth syn.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assayle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.