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Example sentences for "assayled"

Lexicographically close words:
assayed; assayer; assayers; assaying; assayle; assays; asse; assegai; assegaied; assegais
  1. Aftre alle this the Cane ordeyned him, and assembled his peple, and wente upon hem that hadden assayled hym before, and destroyed hem, and put hem in subieccioun and servage.

  2. And nyghe therto is the cytee of Hay, that Josue assayled and toke.

  3. Roderico arriued at his house, frequented many times the lodging of Gineura, to espy hir fashions, and to see if any other had conquered that place, that was so well assayled and besieged by Dom Diego.

  4. What is he that doth not accuse his ouermutch presumption: woulde you that Rhomeo hadd done that wronge to him, and hys house, to suffer himselfe outraged and assayled by one to whom in manhoode and prowesse he is not inferioure?

  5. They enter into an hauen to take in fresh water, and are suddenly assayled by two squadrons of Indians.

  6. Thrasibulus then and Lampidus assayled Aristotimus, vpon whose sodayne approche, he fled into the Temple of Iupiter, where hee was murdred with a thousand wounds vpon his body, accordingly as he deserued.

  7. There is such abundance of Crocodiles, that ofentimes in swimming men are assayled by them: of Serpents there are many sorts.

  8. Hubert, keepe this boy: Philip make vp, My Mother is assayled in our Tent, And tane I feare Bast.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assayled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.