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Example sentences for "assi"

Lexicographically close words:
asseverate; asseverated; asseveration; asseverations; assez; assidue; assiduities; assiduity; assiduous; assiduously
  1. So at three o'clock the Committee broke up, leaving Assi and two other members as a permanent sub-committee at the Rue Basfroi.

  2. Assi never had any influence in the Committee.

  3. Also the king of Assi his ships come thither into the same port laden with peper; from the coast of S.

  4. The Beniamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion.

  5. Ami and Assi only bore the modest title of "the Judges, or the respected descendants of Aaron in the Holy Land," and of their own accord subordinated themselves to the Babylonian authorities.

  6. His corpse was carried to Judaea, probably in execution of his dying wish; there it was met by the most distinguished men, such as Assi and Ami, who procured its interment in the vault of Chiya, another Babylonian.

  7. Ami and Assi occupied the post formerly filled by Jochanan, their master.

  8. To this the king replied "Assi lo juro y prometo por mi fee y palabra Real.

  9. We embark at early dawn on a native boat at Assi Sungam, which means the confluence of the Assi with the Ganges, at the southern extremity.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assist him; assist the; assist them; assistant adjutant; assistant attorney; assistant cashier; assistant chief; assistant counsel; assistant editor; assistant superintendent; assistant treasurer