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Example sentences for "asted"

Lexicographically close words:
assyrische; ast; astarn; astate; astatic; astedader; asteead; aster; asterisk; asterisks
  1. He never had none himself, and he was sot agin it, and he never made me get none, and if I'd ever asted him for any he'd of whaled me fur that.

  2. First he stopped me an' asted me fo' a ride.

  3. He done asted how long I had him, an' how much I wanted fo' him, an' how old he was.

  4. Den he asted me about de fire, an' how much damage it done, an' how we put it out.

  5. Pewt and asted old man Purinton how he was and he sed he was getting no better verry fast.

  6. Albert sed he dident bargin for a dog to eet breckfast dinner and supper off of him and old Mike sed he asted for a dog that woodent let enybody into the house and he got one.

  7. Beanys and asted his father if he had saw ennyone.

  8. Keene asted me if i had ben playing ring round the rosy and mother told her that she must wash and mend my close for that before she went out of the yard.

  9. Squawboo Bowleys and asted him about it and Squawboo proofed that he was down to Charles Grants store on Hemloc square with Peenut Perkins all that evening.

  10. Haverhill but after breckfast old mother Moulton come over and asted me if i had seen her cat.

  11. Rody Shatuck and i sed i rote her jest about the saim as i had rote to Missis Peezly and he asted if i was sure and i sed hoap to die and cross my throte.

  12. Beanys father and Pewts father is painters and paper hangers and so they went to them and they wodent stay up all nite to do it and then he asted if they was enny boys to do it for a dollar a peace and a ticket and so we got the gob.

  13. Missis Peezly and i sed i told her i was verry sorry for what i hollered to Beany and asted her to forgive me, and he sed are you sure and i sed yes sir hoap to die and cross my throte.

  14. A man asted what we et and he sed live rabits and chickings and sometimes frogs.

  15. Barrows come and asted me if i wood let my boat for the picknic.

  16. Tomtit Thompson sed he had a new peace about insex and the minister asted him to speak it and Tomtit dident want to, but the minister sed he had aught to be willing to help out in a good caus.

  17. Heads house and asted two stewcats about it and they sed they never done it then J.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "asted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.