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Example sentences for "astrologic"

Lexicographically close words:
astrogator; astrolabe; astrolabes; astrologer; astrologers; astrological; astrologically; astrologie; astrology; astronauts
  1. It is written on skin, and appears to be a ritual and astrologic almanac very similar to the Vatican manuscript (No.

  2. Again in my native land, I betook myself to astrologic studies, being the more inclined thereto by reason of the years I had spent in contemplating the abstrusities of Siddhartha.

  3. So much is permitted us by the astrologic law we practise.

  4. It has already been suggested that the gospel of Paul was at the bottom Essenean and Mithraic; and in accordance with that hypothesis the crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension would be solar and astrologic events.

  5. There is no civilized people, either of ancient or of modern times, which has not adhered to astrologic doctrines with the fullest confidence and most unswerving faith.

  6. This surely is a refutation as definite as can be desired of a medicine which depends upon witchcraft or astrologic vagaries.

  7. As to the rejection of astrologic medicine by the followers of Hippocrates, we read ("Ancient Medicine," Chapter I.

  8. In the first place, the method by which the authors of that period instilled their astrologic dotage into the minds of their contemporaries varied considerably.

  9. The great Ghibelline was so positive and so enthusiastic an adherent of all astrologic doctrines that he did not decide upon any undertaking until he had first learned the opinion of the stars regarding his enterprise.

  10. Babylonico-Assyrian civilization possessed in its earliest ages a well-developed system of astrologic medicine, as is evident from writings bequeathed to us from antiquity.

  11. The lowest heaven, that of the moon, is allotted by the poet to virgins because forsooth they best typify those qualities of cold and moist with which astrologic doctrine endows the moon.

  12. Casual illustrations of this fossilized relationship have been given in this essay, but far more impressive than these instances are those cases in which astrologic doctrine permeates and dominates the whole structure of a great work.

  13. What pity that this laboured scale, which has all the air of an astrologic conceit of Vasari, and gives to chance the sanction of predestination, could not be extended to Architecture!

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "astrologic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.