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Example sentences for "aurai"

Lexicographically close words:
auoyding; auparavant; aupres; auquel; aura; auraient; aurais; aurait; aural; auras
  1. In the Romance languages all compound tenses were eventually formed in this way: ai cantat, avia cantat, aurai cantat, etc.

  2. We picture the perfected soul as the Buddha, the Saviour, the aurai simplicis ignem, dwelling on one or other aspect of that trinal conception of Wisdom, Love, and Joy.

  3. I there described our conscious spectrum as representing but a small fraction of the aurai simplicis ignis, or individual psychical ray;--just as our visible solar spectrum represents but a small fraction of the solar ray.

  4. It is thus in Montreuil: C'est un mal que j'aurai tout le terns de ma vie Mais je ne l'aurai pas long-tems.

  5. At last Madame de Trafford became quite calm; she said, 'Je sens que dans une semaine j'aurai mon portrait, et je vois que ce sera un des braves du grand Napoleon qui me le rapportera.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aurai" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.