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Example sentences for "badde"

Lexicographically close words:
bacterium; bacula; baculum; bad; badd; baddish; baddy; bade; badest; badge
  1. He badde me write in this fourme to yow, which he supposith ye will beleve, and he knoweth alle this writyng, and is well concented and agreed therto.

  2. Bot for so moche as he blind is, Fulofte time he goth amis 350 And takth the badde for the goode, Which hindreth many a mannes fode Withoute cause, and forthreth eke.

  3. And yt ye said devill or spirit badde her call him by the name of Mamilian.

  4. But I saye it for many men there been, that to knowinge of other mennes doinges setten al their cure, and lightly desyren the badde to clatter rather than the good, and have no wil their owne maner to amende.

  5. Certes, me thinketh, [of] the sowne of their badde speche right now is ful bothe myne eeres.

  6. And if thou wene to be a wrecch, for such welth is passed, why than art thou nat wel fortunate, for badde thinges and anguis wrecchednesse ben passed?

  7. Everything causinge yvels is badde and naughty; but 20 richesse in one causen misese, in another they mowen not evenly strecchen al about.

  8. After this, he is strong that hath might to have grete burthens, and he is light 70 and swifte, that hath soverainte in ronning to passe other; right so he is a shrewe, on whom shreude thinges and badde han most werchinge.

  9. M180) And after wee had passed some part of the way from our other boate, wee found badde ground and great rockes, and so great a current, that wee could not possibly passe any further with our Boate.

  10. But natheles, as heven gan tho turne, To badde aspectes hath she of Saturne, That made her for to deyen in prisoun, As I shal after make mencioun.

  11. And somme were riche, and hadden badde name.

  12. The victory and prayse wherof was giuen to Lucretia, who when she saw her husband, gentlie and louinglie intertained him, and curteouslye badde the Tarquinians welcome.

  13. Then the woman deliuered him his coafer, which he had saued, and badde him to seeke his aduenture.

  14. Whan the gentyll man was come, the religious man badde hym shewe his offences and trespaces.

  15. So yet an other tyme agayne, his frendes warned him of his wyfe, and badde hym rebuke and chastice her.

  16. And two or thre dayes after, the fyrste gentylmanne saw hys rynge on the others fynger, and chalenged it of hym and he refused it, and badde hym tell where he had loste it: and he sayd: in suche a gentylwomans bedde.

  17. Than stode he styll lokynge on the chyldren; and at the laste he called to hym the eldeste and badde hym let hym se his hande; and whan he saw his hande: O Jesu!

  18. So on a nyghte he taryed so longe oute, that his wyfe wente to bedde, and badde her mayde make a good fyre, and tarye vp for hym.

  19. But Nasica perceyued, that her mayster badde her say so, and that he was within; but, for that tyme dissemblynge the matter, he wente his waye.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "badde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.