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Example sentences for "being also"

  • The cold in Armenia is very sharp, especially in March, and towards the end of winter, when the wind is north, as it than was; it being also at that time a severe frost.

  • Venantius soon died happily at Methone; and Honoratus, being also sick, was obliged to return with his conductor.

  • In Perth moreouer a village in Scotland another was taken vp, which to this daie they shew in a church, vnder the name of little John (per Antiphrasin) being also 14.

  • This by no means prevents them from being also punishments.

  • The marshal himself was the heir of the Comte de Brissac who, nearly two centuries before, being also Governor of Paris, had tendered to the victorious Henry IV.

  • And the step which he thus recommended at the outset deserves attention as being also that on which a year later he still insisted as the indispensable preliminary to whatever line of conduct might be decided on.

  • An anecdote is related, as a proof of that cool intrepidity which this young mariner possessed, even among scenes of such stupendous horror, which seems well worthy of being also exhibited as a fine picture of filial affection.

  • They occupy all parts of the intestinal canal, from the stomach downwards, being also found in the pancreatic and biliary ducts, and likewise within the gall-bladder.

  • In this letter the unusual mortality of seven elephants in about fifteen days is attributed to the presence of this liver-fluke, the two other parasites (Amphistoma and Ascaris lonchoptera) being also present in the intestines.

  • The two former abound in Central and Southern Europe, being also present in North Africa, the last named inhabiting Barbary and Algeria.

  • It has suffered frequently from earthquakes, being in 1868 almost entirely destroyed, part of it being also submerged by an earthquake wave.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "being also" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being alarmed; being always; being anxious; being apprehended; being baptized; being boiled; being brought; being buried; being captured; being considered; being evil; being invited; being mixed; being played; being resolved; being slain; being still; being sworn; being thrown; being turned; being under; being understood; being vanquished; being what; discretionary power; would live