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Example sentences for "blastes"

Lexicographically close words:
blasphemy; blast; blasted; blaster; blasters; blasting; blastoderm; blastodermic; blastoff; blastomere
  1. This traytour colus hath mani of mi places ¶ Destroyd {with} his blastes & daily me manaces ¶ Where ony wood is he shall make it playne.

  2. Ne no man ne wondreþ whan þe blastes of þe wynde chorus betyn þe strondes of þe see by quakynge floodes.

  3. Nay, there is many an honest man, when he suche blastes hath blowne In his freindes eares, he woulde be loth the same by him were knowne.

  4. A boone, a boone, thou curtail fryer, I beg it on my knee; Give me leave to set my horn to my mouth And to blow blastes three.

  5. The friar consented contemptuously, for he had got the better of the fight; so Robin blew his "blastes three," and presently fifty of his yeomen made their appearance.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blastes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.