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Example sentences for "friar"

Lexicographically close words:
freundlich; freut; frew; fri; friable; friaries; friars; friary; fribble; fribbles
  1. Seeing one day a friar of his order named James the Simple, consorting on the way to church with a leper from the hospital under his care, St Francis rebuked the friar for allowing the leper to be at large.

  2. It was not merely one in a house that died, says friar Clyn of Kilkenny, but commonly husband, wife, children and domestics all went the same way of death; the friar himself wrote as one inter mortuos mortem expectans.

  3. By Friar John Clyn, of the Convent of Friars Minor, Kilkenny, and Thady Dowling, Chancellor of Leighlin.

  4. The type of the Black Death in England is sufficiently indicated by Le Baker, who was probably living at Osney, near Oxford, when the infection began, and indubitably by friar Clyn of Kilkenny.

  5. One of his complaints was that no one would wash him; whereupon St Francis, having ordered a friar to bring a basin of perfumed water, proceeded to wash the leper with his own hands[165].

  6. This was not translated from St. Catherine's own vernacular, but from Friar Raymond's Latin version of the latter, first printed at Brescia in 1496.

  7. So the friar smiled, and gave Richard his blessing and departed, not having given any name.

  8. Richard was startled, but he turned to look, and before him stood a black friar in his long serge robe, with sandals only on his feet.

  9. Nevertheless he reverently greeted the friar and bade him be seated.

  10. Open swung the door, and a barefooted friar rushed in.

  11. He struck spurs as he finished, and the friar was left to wait for whom he might.

  12. For three weeks I remained in the convent, or only appeared abroad as the Friar Anselmo.

  13. I then stated my having been the friar Anselmo, the discovery of my birth by accident, and the steps which I had taken.

  14. This was easily managed: a friar of the convent was troubled with these excrescences, and I jocularly proposed a trial to see whether it was true that the blood of them would inoculate.

  15. Yet Friar Bacon was a much wiser man than would be supposed by those who only know him from this tale.

  16. Near it is Robin Hood's Cave, and the neighborhood is full of remains of the famous chieftain, such as his Hill and his Chair, and Fountain Dale where Robin encountered Friar Tuck.

  17. This is also a relic of Friar Bacon's brazen head.

  18. Each friar had a coffin for his cell and slept on straw, while every morning he dug a shovelful of earth for his grave and crept on his knees in prayer.

  19. From the tower of this church Friar Bacon, the hero of the story of the brazen head, is said to have made astronomical observations: this renowned friar, Roger Bacon, has come down to us as the most learned man that Oxford ever produced.

  20. In this sort Friar Bacon pleased their five senses, to their admiration and high satisfaction; so that the king offered him money, but he refused it, saying he could not take it.

  21. Friar Bacon's Birth and Parentage, and by what means he came to be so great a Scholar.

  22. The spirit, however, was unwilling to answer, till Friar Bacon threatened with his charms to bind him in chains in the Red Sea or to a burning rock, and make him the sport of wrecking whirlwinds.

  23. This learned friar shall determine it, and if it goes against me, you have free liberty to do with me as you please.

  24. And thus ends the history of that famous Friar Bacon, who had done a deed which would have made his fame ring through all ages yet to come, had it not been for the simplicity of his man Miles.

  25. How Friar Bacon put a Comical Trick upon his man Miles, who, pretending Abstinence on a Fast Day, concealed Victuals in his Pocket to eat in a Corner.

  26. The famous Friar Bacon, whose name has spread through the world, was born in Lancashire; his father's name was Ralph Bacon, and his name Roger.

  27. The meeting of King Richard with Friar Tuck in Ivanhoe, was suggested by the tale of King Edward and the Hermit.

  28. The friar did entreat her still 55 That she would help him out of the well: She heard him make such piteous moan, She help'd him out, and bid him begone.

  29. The friar's sanctity was evidently greater than his personal courage, for it was the stone and not the friar which suffered most from the impact.

  30. Raoul exclaimed, after he had given the American jog the third, "you sleep like a friar who is paid for saying masses at midnight.

  31. His hood had fallen back, displaying a bullet head, red cheeks and purple nose, while the wooden beads of this sottish counterfeit of a friar trailed from his girdle on the ground.

  32. He was opposed by the prior of St. Mary's and by a Grey Friar who however were attacked and nearly killed by the mob.

  33. Soon after this, in 1423, Coventry showed its sympathy for Lollardry when John Grace an anchorite friar came out of his cell and preached for five days in the "lyttell parke.

  34. In a tract the Cook and the Wife of Bath, the Friar and the Pardoner, would serve as awful warnings.

  35. His rough good-humoured air of authority is sufficient to keep the Friar and the Somnour within bounds.

  36. Friar John does not sit on the cat; the men and dogs do not tumble over each other.

  37. The Reve would thoroughly have enjoyed telling the story of the flying friar of Tungland who courted disaster by using hen's feathers.

  38. He recognises and rebukes the hypocrisy of many who minister in the name of Holy Church, but he is quick to separate wanton friar and idle priest from the religion whose dignity they profane.

  39. That the same man should enjoy the coarse humour of the Friar and the Reve, and yet treat womanhood and childhood with such tender reverence, is one of the mysteries of human nature.

  40. Step back a moment And see if this good friar will please to quit him.

  41. To her, to her I still shall wear it, when she once perceives [Friar enters.

  42. Converses with the Friar as he walks off.

  43. They were the works of the philosophers of the middle ages, such as Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and the famous friar who created the prophetic Brazen Head.

  44. His death was attributed, probably without reason, to poison given him by a Dominican friar in the sacramental wine.

  45. Then the Friar said, "Now I see and know that the Faith and Doctrine of Matthias de Vai is the right, and that our Papistical Religion is false.

  46. Now, he was complained of by that Priest to a Friar that was brother to the Vaivoda, or Governor of Buda, and they were both summoned to appear before him.

  47. Just as the curtain fell upon the scene in Friar Lawrence's cell, at the end of the second act, Mr. Melton conducted Dove and Will down a tortuous little stone stair into a narrow passage, from which they entered into the wings.

  48. See the perplexity of poor Friar Pagi, Critica, tom.

  49. Like Friar Bacon, the philosopher Leo has been transformed by ignorance into a conjurer; yet not so undeservedly, if he be the author of the oracles more commonly ascribed to the emperor of the same name.

  50. Finally, he demanded that they should order a search to be made for the mendicant friar whose resemblance to the Mauprats had not yet been explained, and had been sworn to by trustworthy witnesses.

  51. I was about to sit down on the stone which forms a natural seat at the side of it, when I saw that the place was already occupied by a good friar whose pale, haggard face was half-hidden by his cowl of coarse cloth.

  52. Captain Woulfe married, and changed his religion; to which his brother the friar fell a martyr, exhibiting on the scaffold, it is related, far more intrepidity than many of his fellow sufferers of military rank.

  53. Tudur Aled, so called on account of his residence on the banks of the Aled, in the county of Denbigh, flourished about the year 1490, and was a friar of the Order of St. Francis.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "friar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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