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Example sentences for "boaf"

Lexicographically close words:
blythely; blythly; bner; boa; boar; board; boarded; boarder; boarders
  1. I know it am all ober wi' boaf you an' me, and de gal, too but doan let her know it to de lass minute.

  2. He gone dead, and to de bottom, boaf at de same time.

  3. Didn't I see dem boaf down dar in de woodland, when I war out a-coonin.

  4. She say it am de duty ob a Christyun man, an', as ye know, we boaf b'long to de Methodies.

  5. Boaf de men an' de women an' de chillen try to 'scape out ob de place.

  6. As boaf my fadder and modder had been eat up 'long wi' de ress, I atterwards left home an' tuk to de sea.

  7. He loss dem boaf on de occasion we now 'peak ob.

  8. You boaf childen ob de same fadder--ob Mass Brackadder; an' she you sissa.

  9. And Dina drops her head over on his shoulder and answers, "Boaf uv us.

  10. An' boaf ov dem painters sprung at de same time, right toards Mas.

  11. Now Massr Grubb, he great friend o' Massr Ringgol, an' folks do say dat boaf de two put tha heads together to cheat dat ar Indyen 'ooman.

  12. No--only, on dis voyage, boaf am sailin' in de same boat.

  13. Ef she get down da, den it 'ud be all up wifh boaf o' us.

  14. She muss hab her tongue 'topp, else she gess boaf o' us in trouble.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boaf" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.