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Example sentences for "boilings"

Lexicographically close words:
boile; boiled; boiler; boilers; boiling; boils; boire; boisson; boisterous; boisterously
  1. When this operation is finished, they are submitted to four more boilings as before, with a solution of caustic potash; taking care to wash well between each of these boilings.

  2. Ingredients--1 quart of stock, or the boilings from mutton.

  3. Full allowance daily" was the rule; and if the copper proved too small to serve all at one boiling, there were to be as many boilings as should be required to go round.

  4. Rations were consequently short, boilings deficient, and though the cabin went well content, the hold was the scene of bitter grumblings.

  5. Beef Dripping * 3 quarts Water or Pot Boilings * Salt and Peppercorns--4d.

  6. Think of the labour; think of the time; think of all the peelings and scrapings and washings and messings attending these nine hundred boilings of the pot!

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boilings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.