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Example sentences for "burned alive"

  • In spite of all this they condemned him to be burned alive, although later, some of them begged the captain, to have him strangled and to burn him afterwards.

  • Guiltless of other fault and without trial or sentence, he immediately ordered them to be burned alive.

  • The court sentenced them, in default, to be burned alive.

  • In rather sharp contrast stands the 'Diary' of John Evelyn, which in much shorter space and virtually only in a series of glimpses covers seventy years of time.

  • Pepys, who ultimately became Secretary to the Admiralty, and was a hard-working and very able naval official, was also astonishingly naïf and vain.

  • Gilles and Prelati were both condemned to be burned alive.

  • Such criminals were thought to be too atrocious to be hanged first and then burned: they were generally sentenced to be burned alive, and their ashes to be scattered to the winds.

  • English; was condemned to be burned alive at Nantes in 1440 for his unnatural crimes and his cruelties.

  • Suppose a father should give full notice to his children, that, whenever any of them mispronounced a word, he should be burned alive.

  • The reports which were spread abroad on this occasion imported, that the emperor would cause the guilty to be burned alive, would confiscate their estates, and level the city with the ground.

  • The tyrant became almost distracted with fury, and commanded Diodorus to be burned alive, Serapion to be beheaded, and Papias to be drowned.

  • The mere thought of the threatened punishment, to be burned alive, prostrated her mind.

  • Tall poles, fastened in the ground close to the pyre bear banners on which the following legends are to be read in large white letters on a black ground: "Joan, who had herself called the Maid, condemned to be burned alive.

  • It depends upon you whether she shall be burned alive by us, or allowed to be taken by the English, who will execute her.

  • Beasts were often condemned to be burned alive; and strangely enough, it was in the latter half of the seventeenth century, an age of comparative enlightenment, that this cruel penalty seems to have been most frequently inflicted.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burned alive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    better life; burned alive; but never; century after; church fellowship; divine appointment; happy memory; hosts came; just south; little solution; native tongue; ninth century; notice the; religious rites; rely upon; ruddy gold; similar character; sixty degrees; three equal; true name; well written; wild animals