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Example sentences for "burnyng"

Lexicographically close words:
burnous; burnouse; burnouses; burns; burnt; burong; burr; burred; burried; burring
  1. The cause of the burnyng of Qualpopoca.

  2. Duke of Buckingham was "richely appareled, and his horse trapped in blue velvet embroudered with the knaves of cartes burnyng of golde, which trapper was borne by foteman from the grounde.

  3. The Cresset and burnyng fyer is the bage of the Admyraltye.

  4. And yet again, he reflects, as he looks around him, is it not, after all, just such little plots as these that the earthquake of battle has this year shaken the most fiercely?

  5. Biologists have a theory--they would call it a law--which they call the law of “Multiplication in Geometrical Progression.

  6. In this burnyng of Goto the post, or man which carid the kinges letters, lost all that he had, to the vallue of 700 taies, being an ould man but well spoaken and therfore chosen to goe about this busynes.

  7. This day the trew news came of the burnyng of above 200 howses at Langasaque, wherof many did belonge to pore Chinas.

  8. One a comforte for a blinde man, entitled ad Aemilianum caecum consolatio, one other Ecpyrosis, seu incendium sodomorum, the burnyng of Sodome.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burnyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.