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Example sentences for "catches sight"

  • Catches sight of the laurel wreaths, picks them up, and goes toward the window, but turns back.

  • Catches sight of the old woman and is frightened by her] Who is it?

  • He draws back when he catches sight of her face.

  • Enter Olof, led by soldiers carrying torches as he catches sight of Christine, he tears himself loose and throws himself on his knees beside her.

  • He catches sight of the money bag which MÃ¥rten has forgotten to hide, and snatches it away from the monk.

  • And the very moment that it catches sight of one it flies off with a terrified squall which can often be heard from nearly half a mile away.

  • By and by, perhaps, it catches sight of some water-insect floating at the surface, or of a drowning fly which has fallen into the stream.

  • It has eyes like telescopes, so that as soon as a mouse pokes its head out of its burrow it catches sight of it, swoops down upon it, seizes it in its talons, and carries it off to be devoured.

  • When it catches sight of a fish it swoops down upon it, plunges into the water with a great splashing, and nearly always rises again a moment or two later with the fish struggling in its talons.

  • He catches sight of the bomb in JAMES'S hand] By George!

  • He bends and listens at their hearts; catches sight of the little box lying between them and takes it up.

  • He catches sight of MADGE, his brows contract, he looks away.

  • He catches sight of the dead sea-gull] What is that?

  • With evident pleasure, as he catches sight of MASHA] How are you, Miss Masha?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catches sight" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    catches sight; diametrically opposed; dorsal view; familiar figure; faulty conformation; gallant forecastle; general tone; given thee; had discovered; her feelings; inspire confidence; matters relating; mission work; moral influence; nothing less; pleasant voice; she passed; sometimes also; synchronous motor; think will; thus seen; well said