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Example sentences for "chara"

Lexicographically close words:
chaprassi; chaps; chapters; chaque; char; character; characterisation; characterise; characterised; characterises
  1. Chara tuberculata (Figure 172) is the characteristic Bembridge gyrogonite or seed-vessel.

  2. The seed-vessels of Chara medicaginula, Brong, and Chara helicteres are characteristic of the Hempstead beds generally.

  3. Mention is made by Sanchez, of an elegy addressed by Fabio to Violante, beginning Andate senza me, chara Violante?

  4. He is dressed like a Malay-- Dia pakei chara Malayu.

  5. He has done it in the English fashion-- Dia sudah buat chara Inggris.

  6. The stems of Chara hispida are longitudinally striated, with a tendency to be spiral.

  7. The Chara also plays the same part in the subaqueous vegetation of North America as in Europe.

  8. In some species, as in Chara hispida, the plant when living contains so much carbonate of lime in its vegetable organization, independently of calcareous incrustation, that it effervesces strongly with acids when dry.

  9. Integument of the Gyrogonite, or petrified seed-vessel of Chara hispida, found in the Scotch marl-lakes.

  10. It was this Asanga who wrote the Yoga-chara Bhumi.

  11. In the sixth century of our era, one Asanga, or Asamga, wrote the Shastra, called the Shastra Yoga-chara Bhumi.

  12. There are several species of Chara, the one illustrated, Chara vulgáris (Pl.

  13. Chara Kitad = Black China; the term designates the north of China.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chara" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    character and; characteristic feature