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Example sentences for "chaps"

Lexicographically close words:
chapped; chappie; chappies; chappit; chaprassi; chapters; chaque; char; chara; character
  1. Some of those circus chaps think they own the earth," was Tom's comment.

  2. I don't mind a drink myself, but those chaps make me sick," growled Dan Baxter.

  3. And you get some of these other chaps together, or their newspapers, and it's exactly the same thing the other way about.

  4. Turkey and Italy hardly done when all these Balkan chaps set to and slosh Turkey.

  5. How on earth could he go to bed, be hoggishly sleeping, while those chaps were marching out?

  6. Those five yachting chaps in July arrested for espionage at Eckernforde.

  7. Do you know, those chaps in those messes there talked about fighting us as naturally and as certainly as you talk with your opponents about a coming footer match.

  8. Me and t'other chaps will make the entry in front.

  9. Because I could have got a couple of chaps to help me to do all the business, and who would have been contented with a quarter of the money you promised those sneaking scoundrels Splint and Pedler," answered Jeffreys.

  10. But it's quite enow for chaps like us to be left alone with our own thoughts—and there's no denying it.

  11. Those chaps are mission natives—some of them—and as smart a bunch as you’d want to see.

  12. In the midst of a boiling sea with two unconscious chaps on my hands!

  13. They went after the two chaps as ran away.

  14. They were those chaps who came to our school from Oak Hall and then ran away--Jasniff and Merwell.

  15. Them two chaps have been explorin' them caves ever since we came ashore.

  16. Well, those chaps have a holiday to-day, the same as we have, so some of them may be up around Squirrel Island.

  17. You see little chaps of three and four struggling valiantly with this, nibbling at it with keen delight, as a puppy does on an old shoe, or your curled Fauntleroy on an imported apple.

  18. The little chaps who have their birthday parties among sub-Arctic reeds are surrounded with enemies from the first day they crack their baby shells.

  19. It took these chaps all the afternoon to say good-bye, for each one in the village had to be shaken hands with, every dog apostrophized by name.

  20. As an appreciative onlooker reported, "Them chaps pinked them dolls every time.

  21. The other three members of the force are young chaps assigned to Smith's Landing on the Slave River, sent there to protect the wood bison of that region, the world's last wild buffalo.

  22. Have any of you chaps seen anything of it?

  23. You fellows have a picnic here away back of the lines, while we chaps in the front line do all the work and stop all the bullets.

  24. He's got those chaps shooed up into a corner, and now he's going to kill their financial goose over the cigars and wine.

  25. Looking a bit closer, these chaps get more sunshine, fresh air, and sleep than your city workers, and if the grub is rough they ain't bothered none with indigestion.

  26. Furious, he yelled: "What's the matter with you chaps up there?

  27. Here we can stay, Perk, without running much risk of being discovered; for I hardly imagine any of those chaps would bother exercising themselves to try and find out what the country around their Happy Valley looks like.

  28. A bad spell of weather might come along to knock our plans silly; or perhaps these chaps down yonder might have some scheme that would take them pretty much all away on a big lay.

  29. Nor did he see the figure of a man halted in the road, watching him go across the flat, chaps flapping, brushing through the sage noisily.

  30. He did not turn toward the bar--rather, kept close to the wall, passing so near the squatting Mexican that the flap of his chaps brushed the other's knees.

  31. We must get one of those chaps up from below next," said Gasper Pold.

  32. I don't believe those chaps intend to come back.

  33. So we got out the boats and I and two men and these three chaps manned one of them.

  34. And what are these chaps who are with you bearing arms for?

  35. So you had those chaps in the house yesterday, did you?

  36. Hawkins, you and Marlow keep close guard over these chaps while me and Mr. Simpkins looks round for the animal.

  37. How on earth can we get up a decent eleven to play chaps like those, who have been touring it all over the country, and licking professionals even on their own ground?

  38. Well, if I've got to descend to vulgar prose, where do you chaps think you're going, anyway?

  39. While Jack came in chaps and spurs, bearing an argosy of fancy, Prather came by rail, carrying a suitcase in a conventional and businesslike fashion.

  40. Certainly I didn't expect to see you in chaps and spurs.

  41. Sir Chaps of the enormous spurs, you have a broad taste for one who rides over the pass of Galeria after five years in Arizona," said the Doge as he rose.

  42. Will you wear your spurs and the chaps and the silk shirt?

  43. Apparently, Sir Chaps had been disinclined to disturb the routine of camp by telling Firio anything about the duel.

  44. Thorne was reprieved and got a life-sentence, the other chaps got twenty-one years.

  45. Sling out a prayer for these poor chaps as quick as you can.

  46. The world was wide to him, cowering out from a cell: where were Martha and the little chaps lost in it?

  47. Something in all this brought Martha and the little chaps before him, he did not know why, but his heart ached with a sharper pain than ever, that made his eyes wet with tears.

  48. For safety the professionals must "do him in" at once, straight away after the big job, as a part of what the barrister chaps call the res gestae.

  49. Tony's got down the things explorer chaps are always keen about; temperature, water supply, food and all that.

  50. I thought you athletic chaps didn't do any dissipating.

  51. Yes, you college chaps usually do," said the agent.

  52. Some of those college chaps have more money than is good for them, though.

  53. I thought you chaps were regular mudlarks.

  54. I say, are you chaps going to move back and let me and Gerhart pass?

  55. Even Grip went to see him, and took such a fancy to him, that he would sit with his chin in the wasted brown hand, and look at him sorrowfully by the hour; as if they were two poor old broken chaps together.

  56. Now, if either of you two chaps comes back," my father shouted from his threshold, "the science he gets will be my fist.

  57. Captain Small and Lieutenant Faintor, I want you to meet two chaps who did an awful lot for England back in the dark days.

  58. The chaps that are really responsible for the victories never get back to enjoy them.

  59. As he finished, there came a series of clicks overhead, and seven Chestnut Chaps landed suddenly at the travelers' very feet.

  60. That noise is the Chestnut Chaps unbuckling their belts and throwing off their overcoats.

  61. The other chaps will think you've got The tiger by the tail; And when you see them looking glum, Just call for brandy pale!

  62. Three cheers for the chaps who pocketed Fort Donelson & Co.

  63. Now, these Pequog chaps had no flour, my boy; but that didn't keep them out of the speculation.

  64. Some of the republicans are pretty large chaps for their size, but Jeff Davis thinks they can be "taken in" easily enough; and I know that the new tariff will be enough to make them contract like sponges out of water.

  65. He was with a select assortment of Pequog chaps at Bladensburg, just before the attack on Washington, and word came secretly to them that the Britishers down in the Chesapeake were out of flour, and would pay something handsome for a supply.

  66. I wonder how those nice, pleasant, gentlemanly chaps down in South Carolina enjoy Uncle Samuel's latest hit?

  67. My landlord says that, if more than three chaps set up housekeeping on one post, he'll be obliged to raise the rent.

  68. When the news of the serious illness of this valiant officer got abroad, my boy, there was an immediate rush of free and enterprising civilian chaps to his bedside.

  69. General Scott says that if he wanted to make these chaps break through the army of a foe, he'd have a fire-bell rung for some district on the other side of the rebels.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chaps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chaps; chops; gab; jaw; jaws; jowl; lips; mandibles; maw; mouth; mug; mush; muzzle; trap