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Example sentences for "chees"

Lexicographically close words:
cheerless; cheerlessness; cheerly; cheers; cheery; cheese; cheesecakes; cheesecloth; cheesemonger; cheeses
  1. And al the cost I wol my-selven make; And chees what folk that thou wilt with thee take; Lat see now, darstow taken this viage?

  2. For on his day I chees yow to be myn, +Withouten repenting, myn herte swete!

  3. For whan hir housbonde was in Iupartye To dye himself, but-if she wolde dye, She chees for him to dye and go to helle, And starf anoon, as us the bokes telle.

  4. And with that word, naked, with ful good herte, Among the serpents in the pit she sterte, And ther she chees to han hir buryinge.

  5. For] at his day I chees yow to be myn, +With-oute repenting, myn herte swete!

  6. I not a loveday bytwene god and mankynde, 95 and chees a mayde to be nompere, to putte the quarel at ende?

  7. For goddes love, as chees a newe requeste; 1060 Tak al my good, and lat my body go.

  8. How trewe eek was to Alcebiades His love, that rather for to dyen chees 1440 Than for to suffre his body unburied be!

  9. But natheles this Seneca the wyse 3705 Chees in a bath to deye in this manere Rather than han another tormentyse; And thus hath Nero slayn his maister dere.

  10. And ther-as ye of povert me repreve, The hye god, on whom that we bileve, In wilful povert chees to live his lyf.

  11. Com forth, and lat us taken our disport; I chees thee for my wyf and my confort.

  12. Almache answerde, 'chees oon of thise two, Do sacrifyce, or cristendom reneye, That thou mowe now escapen by that weye.

  13. For whan she saugh that Romayns wan the toun, She took hir children alle, and skipte adoun In-to the fyr, and chees rather to dye Than any Romayn dide hir vileinye.

  14. The Ah-wah-nee-chees lived the simple, savage life, which knows no law but to hunt and kill and eat.

  15. The homeless Ah-wah-nee-chees circled wide in passing the valley.

  16. Stooping, she unloosed the canoe that floated in the shadow of the ledge, a canoe used by the Ah-wah-nee-chees in crossing the Emerald Pool.

  17. Again, under the favor of the Great Spirit, the Ah-wah-nee-chees flourished and by their fierce strength and daring became to other tribes as the mountain lion to the wolf and the coyote and the mountain sheep.

  18. The Ah-wah-nee-chees called upon the Rock Chief in vain.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.