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Example sentences for "chemical reactions"

  • There are other effects of light which have found applications but not in chemical reactions.

  • Light is a unique agent in chemical reactions because it is not a material substance.

  • The fading of dyes, the bleaching of textiles, the darkening of silver salts, the synthesis and decomposition of compounds are common examples of chemical reactions induced by light.

  • Nearly all human eyes see visible rays in approximately the same manner, but the multitude of chemical reactions show a wide variation in sensitivity to the various rays.

  • Platinum is remarkable for its property of acting as a catalytic agent in a large number of chemical reactions, and mention has been made of this use of the metal in connection with the manufacture of sulphuric acid.

  • We shall meet with many examples of this kind of chemical reactions.

  • It is wholly inconceivable that a homogeneous mass of all the varying chemical compounds which are contained in any given quantity of protoplasm could either exist or produce any regular sequence of chemical reactions.

  • In so far as it is possible to study each of these activities independently of the others, they have been found to obey the ordinary laws of chemical reactions.

  • Yet we know that there is an orderly progression of events, a propagation of cells, a forward going arrangement of chemical reactions, that results in expansion and intricate complication of the organism.

  • So would the reconciliation between the claims of mind and the concept of the organism as a system of chemical reactions.

  • The copper carbonate should be dried before weighing, as otherwise--besides copper oxide and carbonic anhydride--water will be obtained in the decomposition.

  • Hydrogen peroxide contains thirty-two parts of oxygen, and water sixteen parts, to two parts of hydrogen; and so it is in all other cases.

  • This should be the case from the conception of atoms.

  • Silver) form some of the accurate researches, proving that the weight of matter is not altered in chemical reactions, because he accurately weighed (introducing all the necessary corrections) the reacting and resultant substances.

  • The third class of chemical reactions--where the number of re-acting substances is equal to the number of substances formed--may be considered as a simultaneous decomposition and combination.

  • The following are the chief conditions which exert an influence on the progress of chemical reactions.

  • Thus by chemical reactions it is possible to separate from uranium and thorium minute quantities of radio-active materials to which the names of uranium-X and thorium-X have been given.

  • Recent investigations have led to the result that life-phenomena are affected by temperature in the same sense as the velocity of chemical reactions.

  • The energy of radioactivity is millions of times as intense as the energy released by chemical reactions.

  • Thus, the helium atom has 2 electrons only, filling the innermost shell, and that is so stable an arrangement that helium undergoes no chemical reactions at all.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chemical reactions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    chemical analysis; chemical change; chemical composition; chemical compounds; chemical decomposition; chemical energy; chemical examination; chemical fertilizers; chemical forces; chemical process; chemical processes; chemical reactions; chemical substances; chemical tanker; chemical warfare; chemically pure; cool slowly; curved lines; different plants; grey granite; human sacrifice; lawful money; more slowly; national government; once proceeded; social change