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Example sentences for "chiropodist"

Lexicographically close words:
chirch; chirche; chirches; chirography; chiromancy; chirp; chirped; chirping; chirpings; chirps
  1. The only cyst with which the chiropodist ordinarily comes in contact is of the sebaceous variety.

  2. The real skill of the chiropodist is called into practice in the treatment of ingrown nail by palliative methods, and he may safely be judged by his results in this class of cases.

  3. For the purposes of practical podiatry, the chiropodist is advised to use a substitute for cocaine rather than the cocaine itself when local anesthesia is necessary.

  4. Such cases have occurred, but could have been prevented if a proper survey of the field had been taken and would have saved the chiropodist much responsibility.

  5. The essential feature to be remembered by the practising chiropodist is, that the use of any drug employed for anesthetizing purposes, even though but local, should be safeguarded in every way.

  6. You may depend upon it that both the wagonmaker and the chiropodist will share my opinion.

  7. You had the wagonmaker, the shoemaker, the chiropodist and the burgomaster with you, therefore you succeeded.

  8. Chiropodist though he was, he must not suffer for her sake.

  9. Fortunately none of her friends were in sight, nor was it probable that they knew the chiropodist in any case.

  10. The spacious umbrella was instantly clapped over her, and the inevitable Chiropodist placed himself in front to steady it, fully exposed to the rain.

  11. It is, of course, solely an emergency hospital, yet one where doctors, nurses, dentists and a chiropodist are constantly on duty.

  12. He announced himself as a chiropodist who could instantly remove the worst corns, not only without pain, but he promised by means of a mysterious liniment in his possession to immediately heal the spot from which he removed the corn.

  13. A chiropodist says, as long as people are fools enough to abuse their feet, the prospect for his employment is good.

  14. Her father is a chiropodist in Paris, and what she knows of the business she learned from seeing him.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chiropodist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chiropodist; gynecologist; neurologist; obstetrician; oculist; pathologist; psychiatrist; specialist