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Example sentences for "choild"

Lexicographically close words:
choice; choicely; choicer; choices; choicest; choir; choire; choirmaster; choirs; chois
  1. The gran'choild av Mrs. Lady Slater--wud ye hark to thot now!

  2. But where's me little black-oiyed Bettie--there's the swate choild for yez?

  3. Did the choild squint, now, maybe, ma'am, the purty angel?

  4. I'll take the choild home wid me to me house, and Misthress O'Shaughnessy will tind her as if she wuz her own; and thin I will try th' ixpirimint which is the ownly thing on airth can save her.

  5. Ye'll hear av the choild in a day or two!

  6. If it wur na for Joan, I might starve, and the choild too.

  7. But it did na seem to be th' choild she cared about so much as Joan Lowrie.

  8. Now she's getten th' choild on her honds.

  9. Ye brought the Angel choild to the Tiniment wid ye to say your sister, now, didn't ye, Rosy, me jewel?

  10. Faith, an' I'd loike to see the choild on Fifth Avey-NOO as looks loike him an' shteps out as handsome as himself.

  11. And after that, the poor choild ran away to America and I niver have seen her since.

  12. But you be sure to be a noice choild this afternoon, no matter what that wan says to you.

  13. There’s that choild in the water again,” Granny would cry from the living-room.

  14. Oh, Masther Billy, ’tis the choild that you are!

  15. Twas the best choild this side of Heaven that you was.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "choild" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.