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Example sentences for "cholerick"

Lexicographically close words:
cholagogue; choler; cholera; choleraic; choleric; cholesterin; cholesterol; cholic; choline; cholla
  1. Cholerick he is not by nature so much as his art, and it is a shrewd temptation that the chopping-knife is so near.

  2. Hence it is, that those who are troubled with a Dropsie convert all their nourishment into Water; and the Cholerick convert all the Blood that is formed in their Liver into Choler.

  3. Strephon appears by his Letter to be a very cholerick Lover, and irrevocably smitten with one that demurrs out of Self-interest.

  4. The little Man is a Bully in his Nature; but when he grows cholerick I confine him to his Box till his Wrath is over, by which Means I have hitherto prevented him from doing Mischief.

  5. A surly cholerick Fellow generally makes Choice of a Bear; as Men of milder Dispositions, frequently live at the Lamb.

  6. It often turns the Good-natured Man into an Ideot, and the Cholerick into an Assassin.

  7. You are of a high and cholerick complexion, And you must have allayes.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cholerick" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.