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Example sentences for "cholla"

Lexicographically close words:
cholerick; cholesterin; cholesterol; cholic; choline; choller; chon; chonce; chonta; choo
  1. Another species of the cholla is small, reaching but a foot or two above the ground, but this and other low forms so cover the ground in places that one has to be constantly on guard to keep from running the spines into his feet.

  2. The fruits of all these cacti are sometimes classed as sweet tunas, in contradistinction from the sour tunas yielded in great abundance by the cholla and consumed with avidity by stock, though seldom eaten by men.

  3. Another characteristic cactus, widespread as the cholla and abundant in nearly all parts of Seriland save on the rocky slopes, is the okatilla (Fouquiera splendens).

  4. Among these the cholla is at once one of the most fascinating and the most exasperating.

  5. The tree cholla grows from seven to ten feet in height, a splendid showy feature of the desert slopes, and the home, fortress, and sure defense for all the birds who can find nest-room behind its bristling breastwork.

  6. Upon dry hills, even as far north as Ventura, the cholla cactus is a familiar feature of the landscape.

  7. The dried heaps of cholla stirred as if unseen paws had pressed them.

  8. You see that queer bunch of cholla yonder?

  9. But after a few steps she found running impossible, for the slope was a wilderness of rock, thickly grown with cholla and yucca with here and there a thicker growth of cat's-claw.

  10. At the cholla bunch, Rhoda pointed to a jutting lavender rock.

  11. Once more the tireless riders swept into the mesquite through the clutching cholla to comb another segment of country in search of the beeves not yet reclaimed.

  12. Webb, stung to irritable action, fired into the cholla and the arrowweed thickets.

  13. Thus we kept along for an hour or so, wet to the skin, and even under the skin, cholla cactus burs sticking to us until we looked like sheep.

  14. On the top of a common adobe fence they planted a row of the cholla cactus, the most prickly of all that great family of needles.

  15. The cholla will lean over until it breaks its back trying to get in your way, so that it can dart a dozen or two spines into your flesh.

  16. Then there is the choya or cholla cactus, about as high as one's waist.

  17. Notice how that cholla is cut to ribbons.

  18. To the cholla hung here and there scraps of cloth.

  19. Cholla never relinquishes his right to land that he has acquired, for when he dies of old age or even before that, a host of young Cane Cacti, his children, spring up to take his place.

  20. The flowers of this Cholla are borne at the tips of the joints and are pale green suffused with purple.

  21. This Cholla grows in the rocky foothills and bajadas and in the sandy desert areas of the southern part of New Mexico and Arizona at fifteen hundred to five thousand feet.

  22. When the Cholla grows to maturity, he sometimes reaches the height of fifteen or twenty feet, with a large defiant trunk on which appear the fantastic arms full of spicules and thorns that defy the intrusion of man, beast, or bird.

  23. The noisy cactus wren somehow makes use of the teddybear as a nesting site, and the woodrat drags cholla joints home with which to barricade his burrow.

  24. Cholla spines penetrate deeply and are very painful to remove; remember—people who stay on the trail stay out of the way of the cholla.

  25. Flower buds of many types of cholla are edible; Pima Indians, modern desert farmers living near Phoenix, steam them as vegetables.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cholla" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.