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Example sentences for "chosyn"

Lexicographically close words:
chos; chose; chosen; choses; chosin; chota; chough; choughs; chould; choused
  1. And, first, he sais that Noblesse of curage has chosyn Knychtis of honour to be aboue the small peple, and the small peple to be at thair seruice and gouernement.

  2. As touchyng Shirefs, ther arn none chosyn ne named, and as men suppose, non shall be chosyn til my Lord of Yorks comyng, &c.

  3. Please it yow to wete that Sir William Oldhall is chosyn Speker of the Parlement, and admytted by the Kyng, &c.

  4. And now he dowteth nott to slepe weell, for he seyth that he never ffaylyd to slepe weel in that bedde that he hathe chosyn now at Frenshys, and thusse I hope he be sauffe.

  5. Wallace ansuerd; ‘So ye it grant to me, ‘Quhat I wald haiff it sall sone chosyn be.

  6. On Kertyngaym a straik chosyn he hais In the byrnes, that polyst was full brycht.

  7. Jowellis thai tuk, the best was chosyn thar, Gud horss and geyr; syne on thair wayis can fayr.

  8. Item, it ys told me that Thomas Elys of Norwych, whych nowe ys chosyn Mayer, seyd at Drayton that yf my Lord of Suffolk nede a C.

  9. And if bothe deye, noon chosyn, thanne tweyne to be chosyn be the executorys levyng, or the more part of hem, to admynistre in lyk wise.

  10. Item, as towchyng the burges of Yermothe they wer chosyn on Wednysday.

  11. With arys squair, the bargan gan assay Four galeys fyrst, chosyn of al the flote.

  12. Thyddyr held Eneas, the souerane Troiane, And all the bernys of hys ryall rowt Chosyn for the batell, lusty, stern, and stowt.

  13. Bair hym this message, and declar hym plane, That chosyn men discend from kyng Dardane Beyn hyddir cummyn, besekyng hys frendschip, To knyt vp band in armys and falloschip.

  14. Of the, Seranus, quha wald na thing schaw, Quhar thou thi ryggis telys forto saw, As thou was chosyn capitane of weir?

  15. Tharwith Anchises son, the wys Enee, Per ordour chosyn of euery degre Ane hundreth gay ambassatouris dyd waill, To pas onto the kyngis sted riall, Bad beir the prynce rewardis for the nanys, 5 And him beseik of peax to the Troianys.

  16. And quhen he had gert till hym do All that gud Cristin man fell to, With werray repentans he gaf The gast, that God till hevin couth haf, 250 Emang his chosyn folk till be In joy, solace, and angell gle.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chosyn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.