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Example sentences for "chronometric"

Lexicographically close words:
chronologique; chronologists; chronology; chronometer; chronometers; chronometrical; chrysalides; chrysalids; chrysalis; chrysanthemum
  1. The equipment of the Liverpool Observatory, under me, was still going on: I introduced the use of Siemens's Chronometric Governor for giving horary motion to an Equatoreal there.

  2. They shew a remarkable agreement of the Chronometric determination formerly made with the Telegraphic.

  3. It may be of interest to recall the fact that a similar agreement was found between the Chronometric and Telegraphic determinations of the longitude of Valentia.

  4. Comparing the reckoning with the chronometric longitude, I ascertained that the currents had borne us in seventeen hours twenty miles westward.

  5. On the 23rd March, a comparison of the reckoning with the chronometric longitude, indicated the force of a current bearing towards west-south-west.

  6. Our being obliged to return thither, for a chronometric departure prevented our examining the middle of the upper part of the Gulf, where, according to certain vague reports, there exist islands.

  7. My object in calling there was to continue the chronometric chain, between Tierra del Fuego and Rio de Janeiro, by as short intervals as possible: and the results so obtained proved to be very satisfactory.

  8. As it did not appear that the Adelaide had preceded us, I determined upon remaining, to make a chronometric measurement from Port Gallant to Port Famine; and the next morning Lieutenant Graves landed, and obtained a set of sights for time.

  9. The latitude, chronometric differences of longitude, and magnetic variation, were determined on shore at this southern point.

  10. The result from the chronometric expedition in 1855 previously referred to differing over a second of time.

  11. Still, chronometric measurements, when well carried out with a number of chronometers and skilled observers have been very successful.

  12. This rate of increase would demand so many thousands of years for the formation of the entire thickness of 30 feet that we must hesitate before adopting it as a chronometric scale.

  13. On the morning of January 5, we left Geelong, touched at Hobson's Bay for a chronometric departure, and proceeded to sea by the south channel.

  14. This delay rendered it necessary to obtain a fresh chronometric departure, and as the winds prevented our returning to Port Jackson, we proceeded to Port Stephens, where we anchored, June 5th.

  15. Besides the printing process and the chronometric governor, which operated by the differential movement between the engine and a chronometer, he was occupied with some minor improvements at Hoyle's Calico Printing Works.

  16. Then the germ of the idea of what was afterwards known as the 'chronometric governor' for steam-engines was likewise communicated in this way.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chronometric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.