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Example sentences for "cicerones"

Lexicographically close words:
cicatrisation; cicatrix; cicatrization; cicatrized; cicerone; cicisbeo; cida; cided; cider; cides
  1. He was one of those indefatigable cicerones who would talk even to an umbrella, and while he was eternally saying “Look!

  2. They say that nothing is more common with vulgar cicerones than to attribute to a great master any old work of uncertain origin.

  3. Hirschfeld and Weil, when I was at Olympia, was against the accuracy of Pausanias, whom they considered to have blindly set down whatever the local cicerones told him.

  4. Mary eagerly, and ready answer was made by the couple, who had acquired some cultivation of speech and manners by their wayside occupation, and likewise as cicerones to the spring.

  5. At last one of the cicerones managed to explain that they had seen the maniac!

  6. The cicerones looked at each other in amazement; the young soldier's questions startled them.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cicerones" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.