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Example sentences for "clavichords"

Lexicographically close words:
clavate; clave; clavecin; claver; clavichord; clavicle; clavicles; clavicular; clavier; clavo
  1. Besides being a composer he made clavichords and violins.

  2. And that he was able to collect more than eighty theological works, at a time when books were an expensive luxury, and that he could give no less than three clavichords with pedals at once to his son, Joh.

  3. Before it was adopted it was impossible to employ all the major and minor keys on clavichords and harpsichords, and on the pianofortes, just beginning to come into use.

  4. These new clavichords were called bundfrei (fret-free or tangent-free) because the node of each string was determined by that string's length and not by the contact of the tangent.

  5. In the latest clavichords each note had two strings tuned in unison,--a contrivance which gained power at the expense of some of the lovely expressiveness of the instrument.

  6. Clavichords made before 1725 (or about that year) had fewer strings than keys.

  7. She employed the great Pavian Lorenzo Gusnasco to make her clavichords and viols of the finest order, and like her father, she never travelled without her favourite singers.

  8. Hipkins's lectures and recitals on keyboard instruments in London, Oxford and Cambridge; and Arnold Dolmetsch reintroduced the art of making clavichords in 1894.

  9. Many smaller and earlier clavichords were fretted (gebunden), having some strings that would produce more than one pitch when struck at different points by adjacent keys.

  10. The larger, later clavichords had separate strings for each key and were unfretted or bundfrei.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clavichords" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.