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Example sentences for "clavecin"

Lexicographically close words:
clausum; clausus; clava; clavate; clave; claver; clavichord; clavichords; clavicle; clavicles
  1. Besides, Rameau in transcribing for the clavecin fragments of his operas, has indicated those grace notes which the original did not contain.

  2. This prolixity of grace notes indulged by players upon the clavecin is rather terrifying at first, but one need not be detained by them, for they are not indispensable.

  3. Mademoiselle van Westrheene, as she sat there beside the clavecin looking very ruddy and fresh in her white satin, trimmed with glossy crimson swans-down.

  4. But he finishes a large number of works, door-heads, clavecin cases, and the like.

  5. To this period may therefore perhaps be assigned some of the concertos for clavecin and other instruments, the suites for violin, etc.

  6. The sonata in A minor is also arranged for clavecin alone in D minor (213), and the suite in E major in the same key for clavecin.

  7. Also arranged for clavecin and strings in G minor.

  8. It was sometimes used instead of a clavecin to accompany concerted music.

  9. The Italian Concerto is a piece in three movements for clavecin without accompaniment.

  10. For clavecin and two flutes concertante, with accompaniment for two violins, viola and bass.

  11. A few years later we find him at Hamburg, where he played the clavecin in the orchestra and was sometimes conductor.

  12. At the age of sixteen young Händel had obtained a position as organist, and he was also a fine clavecin player and a good violinist.

  13. We imagine that the Sonate à Quatre mains sur un Clavecin Composé par J.

  14. Weitzmann's Geschichte des Clavierspiels there is an interesting reference to some Toccatas of Pasquini published in "Toccates et suites pour le clavecin de MM.

  15. Our senses are so many keys, pressed by the nature that surrounds them, and they often press one another; and this, according to my judgment, is all that passes in a clavecin organised as you and I are organised.

  16. Bemetzrieder, a German musician, who taught Diderot's daughter to play on the clavecin, wrote an elementary book called Lessons on the Clavecin and Principles of Harmony.

  17. Suppose a clavecin to have sensibility and memory, and then say whether it would not repeat of itself the airs that you have played on its keys.

  18. Handel performed there on the organ and clavecin before the elite of London society by whom he was much admired--with the exception of Pope, who did not like music.

  19. The child, who displayed his powers on the clavecin before a princely audience, had so much success that the Elector of Brandenburg wished him to enter his service.

  20. Lady at the Clavecin (Molenaer), 181 Lady with a Parrot (A.

  21. In the background a lady is standing before an open clavecin with a sheet of music in her hand.

  22. The Lady at the Clavecin is a splendid example of the powers of this artist who was almost as fond of making musical instruments important features of his compositions as Slingelandt was.

  23. He played on the clavecin before a princely audience and stirred it to such enthusiasm that the Elector wished to take him into service or at least finance a trip to Italy, to complete his studies.

  24. He was, though untaught, exceedingly musical, and played by ear on the clavecin anything he had heard.

  25. Ghislaine sang in a ravishing fashion, and Yves accompanied her on the clavecin that stood in the petit salon, mingling the grave accents of his baritone with her clear soprano.

  26. He had tuned the clavecin and taken flight.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clavecin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.