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Example sentences for "clingeth"

Lexicographically close words:
clincher; clinches; clinching; cline; cling; clinging; clings; clingstone; clinic; clinical
  1. Clingeth one in agony Uttering that doleful cry!

  2. Thou hast wrought it--it clingeth to thee, And for all that thou sufferest, naught From its meshes thy spirit shall free!

  3. Thou hast wrought it--it clingeth to thee, And for all that thou sufferest, naught From its meshes thy spirit can free.

  4. But fast it clingeth to the crag, and high as goes its head To heaven aloft, so deep adown to hell its roots are spread.

  5. She clingeth unto man, even as the ivy clingeth unto the oak.

  6. And their feet are little steadfast, and their hands for comfort seek: On the earth the blossom falleth when the branch is dried with day, And the vine to the elm-bough clingeth when men smite the roots away.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clingeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.