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Example sentences for "cobles"

Lexicographically close words:
cobblestone; cobblestones; cobbling; cobby; coble; cobra; cobras; cobs; cobweb; cobwebbed
  1. Ancient cobles made of strong staves sewed together, and covered with leather or skins.

  2. Here and there, down in the harbour, the rich brown sails had been hoisted on some of the cobles to dry.

  3. Why, even the coast-guards tell me That they cannot see the sand; And we know, thank God, that the cobles And yawls have got to land.

  4. They were also to an astonishing extent mere spectators in the arduous work of hauling the cobles one by one on to the steep bank of shingle.

  5. The cobles and smacks tossed down in the harbour; but the wind drowned most noises except that of the surf away out on the Spit, and that was like continuous explosions.

  6. The race of men who work in the cobles have good chances of becoming skilful, for they begin very early.

  7. Next day the wind came away very strong, and the cobles had to cower southward under a bare strip of mainsail.

  8. On arriving at the place where it is intended to fish, the boat is anchored, and the cobles being launched, three men proceed in each to shoot their lines, while one remains on board.

  9. At each of those places the fishery is carried on both by cobles and by five-man boats.

  10. At most of the other fishing stations on the Yorkshire coast cobles only are employed.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cobles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.