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Example sentences for "comes forward"

  • It may be this, even while abstaining rigorously from all symbolical language, it comes forward in the highest elevation of the dynamical theory, and in pure scientific formularies.

  • Paul, in a character in which the Corinthians would prefer not to see him, comes forward in chap, xiii.

  • Hence it is on Christ's behalf he comes forward; it is the furtherance of Christ's interests he has at heart.

  • When they are gone he comes forward, exclaiming with grief and bitterness, "Wedded to another!

  • He comes forward with an elastic step and sings of youth and its joys, which now are his.

  • The Albert-theme, easily recognizable tho a trifle harsher than before, comes forward to preside over the finale of this act.

  • SIGNE, who has been talking confidentially to HAMAR on the verandah, comes forward.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comes forward" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both flanks; comes about; comes down; comes forth; comes forward; comes from; comes home; common currency; conjure you; cotton cultivation; could distinguish; dull thud; each having; felt very; married lady; menstruous woman; mile west; military post; must however; opinion that; perfect safety; round slices; said anything; second class; small collection; wide enough