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Example sentences for "commandements"

Lexicographically close words:
commandedst; commandeer; commandeered; commandeering; commandement; commander; commanderies; commanders; commandest; commandeth
  1. First that our people may be freed of such wonted molestation, as the Ianisers of Patrasso haue alwayes from time to time offered them, not regarding the kings commandements to the contrary.

  2. But if any keepe the Commandements of God, and constantly, by a liuely faith, cleaue fast vnto Christ, he shall ouercome: for our Lord is inuincible.

  3. And for the same reason Solomon adviseth a man, to bind the ten Commandements (Prov.

  4. Of The Ten Commandements That part of the Scripture, which was first Law, was the Ten Commandements, written in two Tables of Stone, and delivered by God himselfe to Moses; and by Moses made known to the people.

  5. Are all those Laws which were given to the Jews by the hand of Moses, the Commandements of God?

  6. And To What Laws But what Commandements are those that God hath given us?

  7. For they had made God their King by pact at the foot of Mount Sinai; who ruled them by Moses only; for he only spake with God, and from time to time declared Gods Commandements to the people.

  8. Besides, there is no place in the world where men are permitted to pretend other Commandements of God, than are declared for such by the Common-wealth.

  9. The Troinouants accomplished his commandements with all spéed, sending both the appointed number of hostages, and also graine for the armie.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commandements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.