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Example sentences for "compaignie"

Lexicographically close words:
compacts; compadre; compagnies; compagnon; compagnons; companie; companied; companies; companion; companionable
  1. Bot whanne he stod on dreie ground And Hercules was fer behinde, He sette his trowthe al out of mynde, Who so therof be lief or loth, With Deianyre and forth he goth, As he that thoghte to dissevere The compaignie of hem for evere.

  2. The laste science of the thre 40 It is Practique, whos office The vertu tryeth fro the vice, And techeth upon goode thewes To fle the compaignie of schrewes, Which stant in disposicion Of mannes free eleccion.

  3. I sih there ek Deijdamie, Which hadde lost the compaignie Of Achilles, whan Diomede To Troie him fette upon the nede.

  4. And forto kepe in remembrance, This faire ymage mayden liche With compaignie noble and riche 3650 With torche and gret sollempnite.

  5. For Falssemblant hath everemo 1890 Of his conseil in compaignie The derke untrewe Ypocrisie, Whos word descordeth to his thoght: Forthi thei ben togedre broght Of o covine, of on houshold, As it schal after this be told.

  6. Whan al was do riht as thei wolde, The king unto his Sone tolde Of Tharse thilke traiterie, And seide hou in his compaignie 1780 His doghter and himselven eke Schull go vengance forto seke.

  7. The king bad that into his halle At Souper time he schal be broght; And he cam thanne and lefte it noght, Withoute compaignie al one: Was non so semlich of persone, Of visage and of limes bothe, If that he hadde what to clothe.

  8. Car sacies tout a plain For knowe ye all plainly Que vostre compaignie That your felawship 8 Nest bonne ne belle.

  9. Plaigne ou ne plaigne point, “Playne or playne nothyng, Ie naray iamais I shall haue neuer Compaignie auecq vous Companye with you Tant come ie viue, As longe as I lyue, 16 Ou la vie ou corps auray.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compaignie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.