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Example sentences for "companie"

Lexicographically close words:
compadre; compagnies; compagnon; compagnons; compaignie; companied; companies; companion; companionable; companionably
  1. But the maior and aldermen of the citie would not in anie wise agree to satisfie their request herein, vtterlie refusing to receiue him or anie of his companie into the citie.

  2. The maior with his companie of the drapers made all that part betwixt Bishops gate and Alhalowes church in the same wall.

  3. Moreouer he caused the lord chamberlaine, with other lords, to cheere the said maior and his companie sundrie times whilest they were at dinner.

  4. When this communication was merilie ended, the French king, intending to shewe himselfe like a maister amongst his seruants, made all his companie to draw backe from him, meaning to commune with the king of England secretlie.

  5. About Wakefield and the parts there adioining, some companie of his freends came to him, whereby his power was increased; but nothing in such numbers as he looked for.

  6. Then king Lewes called his companie againe, and with most lowlie and amiable commendations tooke his leaue of the king of England, speaking certeine friendlie words to euerie Englishman: king Edward dooing likewise to the Frenchmen.

  7. The king himselfe came in person and did honour to all the companie with his noble councell.

  8. But such was the prease of the companie that stroue to leape in with her, that it streightwaies sanke, so that all those which were alreadie in the boat were cast awaie.

  9. After he had thus brought the common-wealth in so good estate, he consulted with his Nobilitie, where he might best get him a wife, and thereby leaue vnlawfull companie keeping with concubines: which demand was not misliked at all.

  10. Nouember, so that of all the companie none escaped but one butcher, who catching hold of the mast, was driuen with the same to the shore which was at hand, and so saued from that dangerous shipwracke.

  11. Give him this Letter; tell him I desire his Companie this summer in the Country.

  12. Tis well; goe; thanks; goe, Ile see you shortly; you and your Companie shall play at my ladyes wedding.

  13. Within what time a man might companie with his wife after she was brought to bed?

  14. These articles, being intreated of and concluded, were confirmed with the subscribing of all their hands, so as all those that did go against the same, should be disgraded of their priesthood, and separated from the companie of them all.

  15. Then Gregorie with pithie perswasions confirming and comforting him, sent him againe with letters vnto the bishop of Arles, willing him to helpe and aid the said Austine and his companie in all what so euer his néede required.

  16. Whether a man hauing had companie with his wife, might enter the church, or receiue the communion before he was washed with water?

  17. The British historie affirmeth, that she did not onelie abuse hir selfe by vnlawfull companie with Mordred, but that also in Arthurs absence she consented to take him to husband.

  18. There came in companie of the said [Sidenote: Benedict or Benet surnamed Biscop.

  19. She had not rode a mile, a mile, A mile but barely three, Till that she spyed a companie Come rakeing oere the lee.

  20. Lord Barnard's awa to the green wood, To hunt the fallow deer; His vassals a' are gane wi him, His companie to bear.

  21. And hereto le seineur de Bresse with a chosen companie of men of armes, lodged himselfe in ambushment neere to the gate of S.

  22. The next daie, which was the eight daie of Maie, the earle of Suffolke rode to Iargeaux with foure hundred Englishmen, and the lord Talbot with an other companie returned to Mehun.

  23. IAGO there had passed iustice vpon the life of one of our owne companie for an odious matter: so here likewise was there an Irish man hanged, for the murthering of his Corporall.

  24. It ys agreed that there shalbe a Bill put into the pˀliament house for easinge the Companie of the charge of sendinge souldiers to the wars and also for suppressinge of lewd dealers in surgerye.

  25. Item I give and bequeth unto the Companie of Barbo{rs} and Sˀgions twentie Shillings in monney a grete Pandack and an other booke called a verroyce.

  26. Whereat all the companie being much astonished, turned their eyes from beholding him working, to looke on that strange accident.

  27. The two and twentieth was faire weather: in the morning our masters mate and foure more of the companie went up with our boat to sound the river higher up.

  28. But the earles of Lancaster and Hereford, with other in their companie that fled from the discomfiture at Burton, lost manie men and horsses in their flieng away, by reason of such pursuit as was made after them.

  29. Diuerse other of the Danish nobilitie to the number of thirtie (as Simon Dunelmensis saith) came at the same time in companie of their king Gurthrun, and were likewise baptised, on whòme king Alured bestowed manie rich gifts.

  30. Charles at the first, but after she was thrust into an abbeie, and demeaned hirselfe so lewdlie there, in keeping companie with one of hir owne countriemen, that she was banished the house, and after died in great miserie.

  31. Rome in companie of the quéene of the Westsaxons.

  32. Hamburgers offered I know not how many dollars for his companie in an East-Indian voyage, to have stoode a nightes in the poope of their Admirall, onely to save the charge of candles.

  33. In the rere ward the earle of Glocester with his companie had the rule.

  34. Neither in such a case is ill companie farre to seeke, for the Sea hath scarce so ioperdies, as populous Citties haue deceiuing Syrens, whose eies are Adamants, whose wares are witchcrafts, whose doores leade downe to death.

  35. I could tickle Martin with a true tale of one of his sonnes, that hauing the companie of one of his sisters in the open fieldes, saide, hee would not smoother vp sinne, and deale in hugger mugger against his Conscience.

  36. His companie were lightly the lewdest persons in the land, apt for pilferie, periurie, forgerie, or any villanie.

  37. And Plato having invited her to his solemne feast, we see how kindly she entertaineth the companie with a milde behaviour, fitly suting her selfe to time and place, notwithstanding it be one of his learned'st and profitable discourses.

  38. If there is one, I shall make two in the Companie Ca.

  39. A companie of coystrell clarkes (who were in band with sathan, and not of anie souldiers collar nor his hatband) pincht a number of good mindes to Godward of theyr prouant.

  40. I sweare vnto you I thought his companie the better by a thousande crownes, because he had discarded those nice tearmes of chastitie and continencie.

  41. I haue forsworne his bed and companie Ob.

  42. Anon comes up with us a Caroche, with something I know not what of outlandish in its Build; and within it, two Ladies, one of them having the fayrest Face I ever set Eyes on, present Companie duly excepted.

  43. This morning one of our companie looking over boord saw a mermaid, and calling up some of the companie to see her, one more came up and by that time shee was come close to the ships side, looking earnestly on the men.

  44. At Island the Surgeon and hee fell out in Dutch, and hee beat him ashoare in English, which set all the Companie in a rage soe that wee had much adoe to get the Surgeon aboord.

  45. To speake of all our trouble in this time of Winter (which was so colde, as it lamed the most of our Companie and my selfe doe yet feele it) would bee too tedious.

  46. Being demaunded whether he was one of the companie of the Discovery wherof Henry Hudson was M'r for the Northwest passage saythe by vertue of his oathe that he was Surgion of the said Shipp the said voyadge.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "companie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.