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Example sentences for "compositione"

Lexicographically close words:
composing; composite; composites; composition; compositional; compositions; compositor; compositors; compositum; compost
  1. This vision, illustrated by the beautiful figure of stars falling into the waves, is interpreted by her as signifying the Fall of the Angels.

  2. Her earlier theories are in some respects unique among mediaeval writers, and we possess in the Wiesbaden Codex B a diagram enabling us to interpret her views with a definiteness and certainty that would otherwise be impossible.

  3. Both these latter works of Constantine are long and technical, and designed for the use of the trained physician.

  4. And my spirit also was ailing, and yet was pinned to my flesh, so that while I did not die, yet did I not altogether live.

  5. The Vision of the Trinity (Wiesbaden Codex B, fo.

  6. The faces bear some resemblance to those of the last five miniatures; the wings, on the other hand, to those of the first miniature (Plate VI).

  7. This text, however, purporting to be from Galen, has little relation to the figures, which it does not really explain, and it should therefore be regarded as a separate work.

  8. A medical author (whom Galen often quotes), Scribonius Largus, has left a valued therapeutical work, De Compositione Medicamentorum.

  9. Galen presents us with a clue to its true meaning, when discussing the subject of plasters, in the sixth book of his work, De Compositione Medicamentorum.

  10. In his book, De Compositione Medicamentorum secundum Locos, Galen has himself left us formulæ for upwards of two hundred of the ancient collyria.

  11. Scribonius Largus, in his book De compositione medicamentorum, pronounces himself energetically against the division of Medicine into single special branches.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compositione" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.