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Example sentences for "compt"

Lexicographically close words:
compromise; compromised; compromises; compromising; compromitted; compte; compted; compter; compters; comptoir
  1. Then he turned towards the lake and saw that what he had taken for shimmering water was a multitude of small snakes, none knoweth their compt save Allah the Most High.

  2. Now I have looked upon our lord Solomon while he was yet living and I have witnessed wonders beyond compt and conception.

  3. Him and that there is no doorkeeper at the door of His bounties and that He favoureth whom He will without compt and sendeth no supplicant empty away; nay He filleth their hands with favours and benefits.

  4. Our five other sisters are gone a-hunting in our desert, wherein are wild beasts past compt or calculation and, it being our turn to do this we two abode at home, to make ready for them food.

  5. Quoth they, "They will not withstand us more than three days, for we had the better of them to-day, taking some two thousand of them prisoners and slaying of them much folk whose compt may not be told.

  6. The particulars whow I spent and gave out the same is in a compt apart beside me.

  7. But in regard thesse 3 years I had possest I had never given him in any accompt of my debursements on the said house, in glasse windows, broads or others, he ordered me to give him in the compt theirof that he might pay it me.

  8. Incays thai bark, I compt it nevir a myte; Quha kan not hald thar peice ar fre to flyte; 20 Chide quhil thar hedis ryfe, and hals worth hays: Weyn thai to murdrys me with thar dispyte?

  9. I compt na thing all thocht ȝon fant Troianys 10 Rakkyn thar fatis that thame hydder brocht; All syk vayn ruys I feir as thing of nocht, In cace thai prowd be of the goddis answeris, And thame avant tharof with felloun feris.

  10. The poet makis to goddis his prayer, Dewly to compt the folkis grathis for this weir.

  11. Hys lynnage tocum in Itale forȝettis he, And gevis na compt of Lavyne the cuntre.

  12. But thei will call yow to your compt booke, and that is to the Bible; and by it ye will no more be found the men that ye ar called, then the Devill wilbe approvin to be God.

  13. Besydis thare grammare, and other humane authoris, he redd unto thame a catechisme, a compt whairof he caused thame geve publictlie in the parishe Kirk of Sanctandrois.

  14. Or, yf we think to gett remissioun of our synnes, as said is, we beleve nott that thei ar forgevin us by Christ, and so we compt God a liear.

  15. Ah, let us hope it, and some mercy feel, Since each at compt shall need of mercy have.

  16. Therfor yf thow wilt the rote of any quadrat nombre draw out, write the nombre by his differences, and compt the nombre of the figures, and wete yf it be od{e} or even.

  17. Madame la Compt flatters herself that she is competent, by her great experience in the art of astrology, to give true information in regard to the past, present, and future.

  18. Compt has been visited by over two hundred ladies and gentlemen the past week, and has given perfect satisfaction; and, in consideration of the great patronage bestowed upon her, she will remain at 13.

  19. And Monsieur Le Compt or anybody who could handle a bow would play for her.

  20. Madame la Compt flatters herself that she is competent by her great experience in the art of astrology, to give true information in regard to the past, present, and future.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.