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Example sentences for "comun"

Lexicographically close words:
comradery; comrades; comradeship; coms; comth; comune; comunes; comunidad; comyn; comyng
  1. Al Irahel with comun vois A king upon here oghne chois Among hemself anon thei make, And have here yonge lord forsake; A povere knyht Jeroboas Thei toke, and lefte Roboas, Which rihtfull heir was be descente.

  2. Thus stant the comun poeple in doute, Which can do non amendement; For whanne him faileth paiement, 5520 Ravine makth non other skile, Bot takth be strengthe what he wile.

  3. To sette a lawe and kepe it noght Ther is no comun profit soght; Bot above alle natheles The lawe, which is mad for pes, 2830 Is good to kepe for the beste, For that set alle men in reste.

  4. And thus to se Diverse ensamples hou thei stonde, A king which hath the charge on honde 4190 The comun poeple to governe, If that he wole, he mai wel lerne.

  5. King Salomon in special Seith, as ther is a time of pes, So is a time natheles Of werre, in which a Prince algate Schal for the comun riht debate And for his oghne worschipe eke.

  6. Now in Engelond it is a comun protectioun ayens persecutioun, if a man is customable to swere nedeles and fals and unavised, by the bones, nailes, and sides, and other membres of Christ.

  7. Another treatise of the same kind, written about three years later, was intended chiefly for the use of children, Un petit livre pour enseigner les enfantz de leur entreparler comun francois.

  8. Pope to be translated into French so that they might be understood by the whole army,[20] and in the previous year the author of the Miroir des Justices wrote in French as being the language "le plus entendable de la comun people.

  9. Sin tratar de instruir a cada uno en particular ni de examinar los ni saber su voluntad los baptizaron a manadas y de modo que algunos de ellos, segun es fama, pusieron pleito que no les avia tocado el agua que en comun les hechavan.

  10. Algunos sufrian un ano aguardandolas; pero lo comun era casarse luego, porque no podian vivir sin mugeres, a causa de no tener quien les guisese de comer.

  11. But what was the good of comun when I couldn't come for good?

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comun" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.