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Example sentences for "condempned"

Lexicographically close words:
condemned; condemnest; condemneth; condemning; condemns; condenados; condensable; condensate; condensation; condensations
  1. To whom hee remembred by waye of accusation, all the mischiefes, which his sonne from time to time had committed, and desired the Iudges, that he might be condempned to die.

  2. And Violenta by the common opinion of the Judges was condempned to be beheaded: not only for that she had presumed to punishe the knightes tromperie and offence, but for her excessiue crueltie doen vpon the dead body.

  3. The law condempned him, then he appealed to the people.

  4. A Ladie faslie accused of adultrie, was condempned to be deuoured of Lions: the maner of her deliuerie, and how (her innocencie being knowen) her accuser felt the paines for her prepared.

  5. A Ladie falslie accused of adultrie, was condempned to be deuoured of Lions: the maner of her deliuerie, and how (her innocencie being knowen) her accuser felt the paines for her prepared.

  6. When the noble man was certified of this straunge aduenture, hee caused his Steward to be apprehended and imprisoned, whose conscience forced great remorse, yet not knowing the ende of the Tragedie, condempned himselfe by his countenaunce.

  7. Afterwardes sodainly as she condempned that which she suspected in the beginning, sayd: "Is it possible that vnder sutch beautye and rare comelynesse, dysloyaltye and treason may haue theyr Syedge and Lodgynge?

  8. City, the Proctor and Iudge of the Courte, the wytnesses that gaue euidence, and the law whych condempned him.

  9. But as the theaf abydis the tryall of the inqueist, and tharby is condempned to be hanged, evin so may your ceremonies abyd the tryall of Goddis word; but not ellis.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "condempned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.