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Example sentences for "confessour"

Lexicographically close words:
confessiones; confessions; confessioun; confessor; confessors; confessus; confessyon; confest; confetti; confiance
  1. The confessour asked, with whome it was; she sayd it was with a lustye gallante.

  2. And all thoughe he sayde it was impossyble for him to do, yet the confessour wolde nat chaunge his sentence.

  3. This confessour knewe well the ordinaunce of holye churche: whiche wylleth confession to be made with the mouthe, and nat by wrytynge.

  4. To whome the confessour said: nay, I bad the say: Agnus Dei miserere mei, that is, the Lamb of God haue mercy vpon me.

  5. For comfort wherof this other nonne went to the same confessour and shroue her lykewyse, that she had synned in lechery.

  6. Than sayd the confessour this wyse: a fayre yonge lady, with a lusty galante, in a plesaunte herber, and in the mery moneth of Maye!

  7. The state of the shipping of the Cinque ports from Edward the Confessour and William the Conquerour, and so downe to Edward the first, faithfully gathered by the learned Gentleman M.

  8. Edward the Confessour discharged almost of all maner of imposicions and burdens (which other townes did beare) in consideration of such seruice to bee done by them vpon the sea, as in their special titles shall hereafter appeare.

  9. The State of the Shipping of the Cinque Ports from Edward the Confessour and William the Conqueror, and so downe to Edward I.

  10. The confessour heer, for his worthinesse, 2260 Shal parfourne up the nombre of his covent.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confessour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.