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Example sentences for "confessyon"

Lexicographically close words:
confessioun; confessor; confessors; confessour; confessus; confest; confetti; confiance; confidant; confidante
  1. He fled fast away and left the feld alone.

  2. It is satysfaction half for his trespace.

  3. To rowne {with} a pylow me semyd best tryacle.

  4. Confessyon contrycyon were redy at her hond.

  5. In the tyme of Lente, a Welcheman cam to be confessyd of his curate; whych in his confessyon sayde that he had kylled a frere; to whome the curate sayd he coulde nat assoyle hym.

  6. Fallen they overtake their steeds with flight swifter than theirs, for the charioteer is fleeter than the chariot.

  7. These pipes, noiselessly impregnated with some powderous mineral that the water carries down, produce a snow-white distillation of salt.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confessyon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.