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Example sentences for "confusioun"

Lexicographically close words:
confusing; confusingly; confusion; confusional; confusions; confutation; confute; confuted; confutes; confuteth
  1. But thou mayst seyn, what unreste may ben a worse confusioun than that gode men han somtyme adversitee and somtyme prosperitee, and shrewes also now han thinges that they desiren, and now 125 thinges that they haten?

  2. I pray to god, yeve him confusioun That first thee broghte un-to religioun; Thou woldest han been a trede-foul aright.

  3. Great was the noyse and confusioun that was heard, whill that everie man calles his awin sloghorne.

  4. The king somdiel hadde an Envie, And thoghte he wolde his wittes plie To sette som conclusioun, Which scholde be confusioun Unto this knyht, so that the name And of wisdom the hihe fame Toward himself he wolde winne.

  5. And why the worschipe is aweie, If that a man the sothe seie, 850 The cause hath ben divisioun, Which moder of confusioun Is wher sche cometh overal, Noght only of the temporal Bot of the spirital also.

  6. For lawis maid and nocht keipit engendereth contempt of virtu, and bringis in confusioun and libertie to syn: And thairfore this ordour we think expedient to be observit before and efter excommunicatioun.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confusioun" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.