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Example sentences for "cracklings"

Lexicographically close words:
cracking; crackle; crackled; crackles; crackling; crackly; cracknels; crackpot; crackpots; cracks
  1. Put the cracklings into a bag of stout crash, and press hard between two clean boards, till no more fat runs from them.

  2. There were a few cracklings in the scapulo-humeral joint.

  3. He could hear them, cracklings of twigs under their furtive feet, scurrying retreats before his heavier human tread.

  4. A length of plaster fell with a dry thud, calling out small whisperings and cracklings from the hall's darkened depths.

  5. Mike looked all about for some evidence of the children or elders, but not a sign or sound was to be heard except the strange cracklings of forest silences.

  6. The first few days in March were very warm, and cracklings of ice could be heard distinctly through the woods.

  7. Then take tallow cracklings and scatter them over the bed about a foot apart, then leave everything natural, and as soon as a fox takes the bait place your trap (which should be a double spring Newhouse or a No.

  8. Go to some brush where there is a trail going through, take your cracklings to the trail and scatter cracklings along trail, and set traps one at each end of brush in trail.

  9. Another coyote trapper from Texas gives the same method, and adds: "For bait take cracklings from either lard or tallow.

  10. Traps may also be set by the side of some dead animal after the coyotes have been eating at it, or small pieces of meat or lard cracklings may be scattered around the trap.

  11. Cut the tallow fine, and put it to boil in a large pot with a quart of water; stir it frequently and keep it boiling moderately for six hours; when the cracklings begin to turn brown, it should boil very slowly till done.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cracklings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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