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Example sentences for "cybernetics"

Lexicographically close words:
cyanus; cyar; cyarn; cyars; cybernetic; cycad; cycadean; cycads; cyclamens; cycle
  1. And they were also able, not so long ago, to manipulate the workings of the International Cybernetics Brain across a void millions of miles wide.

  2. You mean that International Cybernetics picked me for a mission?

  3. Cine-runs of the great Carmack himself, including those at the International Cybernetics Congress a year ago .

  4. Round them up and send them to Cybernetics Lab and have their memory paths erased and their telepathic circuits located and disconnected.

  5. I flew back to the plant and told Jack what had happened, sent a call to the Army that everything was settled, arranged with Cybernetics for a rewiring on three hundred assorted 5-Types.

  6. I called Cybernetics and told them to put extra restraints in the Conditioning Lab.

  7. Once again his mouth twisted into that strange android grin as he added, "if you send in a hurry call to Cybernetics and have a truck come out for us, we'll be de-telepathed in time for work this morning.

  8. He'll never get a job on any classified cybernetics project from now on, because it's clear enough that he violated his loyalty oath by discussing MS all over the place.

  9. Around cybernetics circles, I hinted, you heard a lot of talk about the hush-hush MS work that was going on at IFACS and it sounded so exciting that, well, a fellow sort of hoped he might get into that end of things.

  10. Cybernetics is simply the science of building machines that will duplicate and improve on the organs and functions of the animal, based on what we know about the systems of communication and control in the animal.

  11. By 1955, however, so many cybernetics labs had sprung up around the country that we needed some central coordinating agency, so Washington arranged for us to take over here.

  12. Did he think I'd been working in cybernetics labs for going on six years without hearing enough rumors about IFACS to make me dizzy?

  13. Cybernetics is teamwork, and the first rule of any team is that not everybody can be quarterback.

  14. But in any particular cybernetics project, everything depends on just how many of the functions you want to duplicate, just how much of the total organ you want to replace.

  15. Most of you gentlemen," he said, "contributed to sending me to school on Terra, to study cybernetics and computer theory.

  16. A Herald-Guardian ship-news reporter interviewed me when I got in, and found out I'd been studying cybernetics and computer theory on Terra.

  17. Slavery is economically unsound; it cannot compete with power-industry, let alone cybernetics and robotics.

  18. Then, being committed to slavery, with a slave population who had to be made to earn their keep, they found cybernetics and robotics economically unsound.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cybernetics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.