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Example sentences for "dater"

Lexicographically close words:
datam; datary; date; dated; dateless; dates; dating; dative; datives; dato
  1. Le delai du recours est fixe a cent vingt jours a dater du jour ou la decision a ete prononcee ou notifiee (article 2 alinea 2).

  2. If de Man Who Kums for de Gold gits shot or tuk yer Dater wil dy.

  3. This is how it read: "judg lemond yer Dater iz wel and in Gud hans.

  4. He had always looked upon Pa Dater as an antagonist for whose sense of fair play he would have answered as for his own.

  5. Mr. Dater bit his lips and quieted the storm with two upraised fingers.

  6. I'll l'arn you how ter talk dater way 'bout deze flowers.

  7. Her fader's not asleep, and he will not agree, Dat you take away his dater to Ken-tuck-y.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dater" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.