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Example sentences for "iz"

Lexicographically close words:
ivver; ivvery; ivverybody; ivy; iwis; izar; jabbed; jabber; jabbered
  1. Bit what did mooäst iz fancy strick War Glassenberry Torr: A âlways zeed it when tha zun Gleam'd wi' tha mornin stor.

  2. Not all tha nasty stouts could wâke En vrom iz happy zleep, Nor emmets thick, nor vlies that buz, An on iz hons da creep.

  3. There's one o' tha sheep 'pon iz back in tha gripe, an a can't turn auver!

  4. Girnin Jan too shawed iz teeth an put in his verdi.

  5. O' Well's grate church a ôten hired, Iz fancy war awake; An zaw a thawt that zoon a ood A journey ta it make.

  6. Handsum men are skase, and it is good that they are, for there is but very little power in man buty, and thare iz more vanity in one handsum man, than thare iz in two droves ov peacocks' tails.

  7. A gentleman who haz travelled extensively thru the western states, sez that vast quantitys ov korn are raized thare, which iz made into whiskee, tew say nothing ov what iz annually wasted for bred.

  8. Sum wind; look out for squalls, and pack peddlers; munny iz tight, so are briks.

  9. But i am not in favour ov laziness, and don't recommend it, even if it iz natral, enny more than i would recommend murder, bekauze the fust man that waz born into the wurld saw fit tew kill the seckund one naturally.

  10. Neatness, in my opinyun, iz one ov the virtews.

  11. The geese iz excellent for feathers, which she sheds every year by the handful.

  12. Friendship iz a mirror which we hold up tew uthers, tew see ourselfs in.

  13. He that kant laff iz tew be pityed, and him that wont laff iz tew be feared.

  14. It is becoming tew awl ages and conditions; and (with the very few exceptions, sakred tew sorrow) an honest, hearty laff iz always agreeable and in order.

  15. Siens, which waz wonse but an objekt ov wonder and kuriositi, iz now the handmade ov the arts.

  16. And if simplisiti iz the standard ov buti and perfekshun in ani thing, it shud emfaticalli be so in relashun tu the use ov thoze sinze or simbolz that purtane tu the expresshun ov our ideaz.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iz" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.