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Example sentences for "debouchment"

Lexicographically close words:
debouch; debouche; debouched; debouches; debouching; debouchure; debout; debris; debt; debtor
  1. The plain of the ancient Baktria, of which Balkh represents the capital, lies south of the Oxus River, extending east and west for some 200 miles parallel to the river after its debouchment from the mountains of Badakshan.

  2. The town of Dukla lies some fifteen miles due north of the Galician debouchment of the pass of that name, and Rymanow is about another fifteen miles east of that.

  3. Regarded merely as a short cut to Przemysl and Lemberg, the Uzsok was a useful possession provided always that the northern debouchment could be cleared and an exit forced.

  4. This debouchment stretch gains in practical value and hence in permanent historical importance if it is swept by a scouring tide, which enables the junction of inland and maritime routes to penetrate into the land.

  5. Debouchment From the Mountains Since the 32d Division had borne the brunt of the assault, General Sibert ordered the 1st Cavalry Division to make the main attack south.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debouchment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.