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Example sentences for "declaredly"

Lexicographically close words:
declarations; declarative; declaratory; declare; declared; declarer; declarers; declares; declarest; declareth
  1. His aim is declaredly to be 'a Rustic Bard.

  2. It is no less preposterous to bless whom the Lord declaredly curses, than to curse whom he blesses.

  3. But who can be faithful, and preach in season and out of season now, but he must think it his duty to endeavour to alienate the hearts of the people from such an enemy to Christ, and his absolute tyranny, so declaredly stated against God?

  4. This was wondered at, as my uncle has introduced him into our family declaredly as a visitor to my sister.

  5. Had not her uncle brought him declaredly as a suitor to her?

  6. The fate of the Apostles may be read in the catastrophe of Saint Stephen: the vulgar herd would, in his eyes, have been as declaredly foolish as the Galatians.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "declaredly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.