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Example sentences for "deriued"

Lexicographically close words:
derision; derisive; derisively; derisory; deriue; derivable; derivation; derivations; derivative; derivatively
  1. I am my Lord a wretched Florentine, Deriued from the ancient Capilet, My suite as I do vnderstand you know, And therefore know how farre I may be pittied Wid.

  2. A verie tainted fellow, and full of wickednesse, My sonne corrupts a well deriued nature With his inducement Fren.

  3. And although I set and place here but thre orders, yet, good Reader, vnderstand that all the others aboue named are deriued and come out from the vpright men and Roges.

  4. My state, you are not ignorant, depends on trencher seruice, your aduancement must be deriued from the valour of your arme.

  5. Shall we abyde a newe nature and spirite, to bee renued in his mynde and bodye, deriued from that whiche is moste vile and wicked?

  6. O God, who would haue thought, that from a hart nobly brought vp, and deriued from an honourable race, a vilanie so greate could haue taken roote and spring vp with such detestable fruite?

  7. Let vs way that by his dolour came our ioye, our health grew of his infirmitie, of his death was deriued our life: and should we be ashamed to haue our head touched with a fewe thornes of trouble?

  8. Clowance (deriued from Cloow, which signifieth, to heare) is the possession and dwelling of M.

  9. His house Bokelly may be deriued from Both, in Cornish, a Goate and kelly which is lost: and the Goate he giueth for his Armes.

  10. Now, as the former is deriued from her Maiesty to the Lords, & from the Lords to the Iustices; so this later lieth in the hands of the Constables.

  11. To them, I will orderly recite, describe & declare a great Number of Artes, from our two Mathematicall fountaines, deriued into the fieldes of Nature.

  12. Some as it were roming or rouing at the name Lath, doo saie that it is deriued of a barne, which is called in old English a lath, as they coniecture.

  13. The word fellon is deriued of the Saxon words Fell and One, that is to say, an euill and wicked one, a one of vntamable nature, and lewdnesse not to be suffered for feare of euill example and the corruption of others.

  14. There went a sluce out of this bath, which serued in times past the priorie with water, which was deriued out of it vnto two places, and commonlie vsed for baths, but now I doo not thinke that they remaine in vsage.

  15. That these baths or waters are deriued [Sidenote: The Pyritis is found almost in euerie veine of mettall in great plentie, diuersities and colour, and somtimes mixed with that mettall of whose excrements it consisteth.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deriued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.