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Example sentences for "desireable"

Lexicographically close words:
desir; desirability; desirable; desirableness; desire; desired; desirer; desires; desirest; desireth
  1. To be caressed a little by her own kindred before she ceased to live was desireable after her heavy scourging.

  2. For whatsoever is most desireable to the sight, thou makest old and deformed, thou breakest in peices the shining Columnes of the world.

  3. The result of your deliberations tending to these desireable purposes we still hope may finally be Approved and Adopted by this State, for which we pledge our Influence and best exertions.

  4. Life cannot be desireable to the unfortunate man--the abomination will in the end be useful--the execration of the World will be uniform and the extirpation of the miscreants surely must and will follow.

  5. It is probable that Peace may be the desireable Object in all the Courts in Europe while they are making the necessary Arrangements and preparing for War if that shd be the Event.

  6. However desireable this may be, we must not wish for it on any Terms but such as shall he honorable & safe to our Country.

  7. O sirs, if you would be prevailed with to spend time for God, it would be the sweetest and most desireable service ever you took in hand.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desireable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.