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Example sentences for "desyryng"

Lexicographically close words:
desyring; desyris; desyrit; desyrous; desyryd; det; detach; detachable; detached; detaches
  1. Ryght reverent and wortshepfull syre, in my most umbill weysse I recomaunde me to you, desyryng to here of your welfare, the wytche I beseche God to preserve to His plesur and so your hartes desyir.

  2. Rygth reverent and worchypfull sir, in the most owmble wyse I recomand me un to yow, desyryng to here of yowre welfare, the qwech God long contynew.

  3. I shuld hafe, desyryng that the processe I was purposed take ayenst hym shuld be respited, and all that reson wold he shuld obbey.

  4. Sidenote: Not after 1449] Trusty and weel be loved cosyn, I comaunde me to zow, desyryng to here of zowre weelfare and good spede in zowre matere, the qwech I prey God send zow to his plesaunce and to zoure hertys ease.

  5. Desyryng you to send me word how that your brother doth.

  6. Sir Thomas Nevill, a younger son of Richard, Earl of Salisbury, married Maud, the widow of Robert, Lord Willoughby.

  7. Fulthorp; and be cause ye spake to me that no mo shuld be sued owte, and I can gete no lybarate[77.

  8. John Paston and Thomas Howis, clerk, and where there be no lawefull answere nor debarre of the tayle.

  9. Walsyngham, to put in to the Parlement, a bille of divers tresons don be my Lord of Norwich,[45.

  10. And no trost what my maister wele do, for I can right evele beleve that he wele bere owt the cost of the tyncte whan he maket straunge to ley dowun the condempnacion, &c.

  11. The date of this letter is ascertained by the statement at the end that, on the morrow, a 'day' was to be kept at Bungay for Fastolf's lands.

  12. He was killed at the battle of Towton in March 1461, fighting on the Lancastrian side.

  13. Sidenote: Year uncertain] Ryth reverent and worcepfful husbonde, I recomande me to yow, desyryng hertely to here of yowre welle fare, thankyn yow for yowr letter and for the thyngys that ye sent me ther with.

  14. Maister Bowser, Sir Harry Ratford, John Clay, and the Harbyger of my Lord of Marche, desyryng that my Lady of York[233.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desyryng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.